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Find Our Best Hi-Low Hospital Bed in Houston, TX

Looking for hi-low medical beds? Houston residents, look no further. For 25 years, we’ve built the best hi-low hospital beds at Texas Medical Supply. With our years of experience, our hi-low beds are designed with the highest quality material to ensure stability and comfort for users. The low position of these beds reduces the likelihood of falling. Explore the benefits of our hi-low adjustable beds.

Modern hospital room with a hi-low adjustable bed in Houston, TX

What Is a Hi-Low Bed?

Hi-Low beds, also known as adjustable beds or high-low beds, are specialized beds. They are designed to provide customizable height adjustments for enhanced comfort, accessibility, and convenience. Hi-low beds offer a range of benefits that cater to various needs, making them an ideal choice for individuals or caregivers who need specific help getting in and out of their beds.

What Are the Health Benefits of Hi-Low Beds?

Our hi-low beds offer adjustable features, customizable settings, and a range of health benefits. These health benefits can positively impact your well-being. Discover some of the health benefits you can experience with our hi-low adjustable beds:

  • Improved Circulation: Adjusting the bed height can help promote better circulation by raising the legs or elevating the upper body, reducing pressure on certain areas and aiding in increased blood flow.
  • Reduced Risk of Falls: The ability to lower the bed to a safer height reduces the risk of falls. Consider hi-low beds for elderly individuals or those with mobility issues.
  • Enhanced Comfort and Support: Hi-Low beds provide customized positioning options that offer optimal comfort and support. Those who are dealing with pain, discomfort, or medical conditions benefit from this enhanced comfort and support.
  • Ease of Movement: The adjustable height feature makes it easier for individuals with limited mobility to transition from sitting to standing positions, promoting independence and easier movement.
  • Pressure Relief: By adjusting the bed to relieve pressure on specific areas of the body, hi-low beds can help prevent pressure sores and alleviate discomfort for individuals spending extended periods in bed.
  • Assistance with Caregiving: For caregivers, hi-low beds simplify caregiving tasks by providing a comfortable and accessible platform for attending to the needs of individuals with varying mobility levels.

What Are the 5 Best Hi-Low Hospital Beds?

When you choose Texas Medical Supply, you have various hi-low hospital bed options. With our years of experience, you can be reassured that our beds are made for optimal stability and comfort. Discover five of our best hi-low hospital beds for you to choose from:

  1. Hospital Bed Medlite Hi-Lo Homecare Hospital Beds: Created for convenience for patients and caregivers, this bed features four easy-to-move wheels and a user-friendly remote control with large buttons for patients. The design includes built-in safety features like recessed parts to prevent pinching and injuries. The bed is sturdy yet lightweight for simple transport, with added steel support in the middle.
  2. Hospital Bed Full Electric Hi-Low Invacare Bed W Bed Assist Rails: Using the user-friendly hand controller, patients and caregivers can effortlessly change body position and bed height. Maintenance is simple, thanks to color-coded connections in the junction box. The low bed position aids in lowering the risk of fall-related injuries.
  3. Hospital Bed Full Electric Low Bed W Bed Assist Rails & Solace Matt Invacare: Patients and caregivers can easily modify body position and bed height using the user-friendly hand controller. Maintenance is a breeze with color-coded connections in the junction box.
  4. Invacare CS600 Bed, Expandable Width 36″, 39″ and 42″ W by 80″L: Crafted for ultimate comfort, safety, and flexibility, the CS600 bed design aims to enhance care quality for residents. This new bed model prioritizes patient comfort and relaxation, whether at home or in long-term care settings. With its adjustable width and weight capacity of up to 600 lbs., it caters to diverse patient and facility requirements.
  5. Hospital Bed Premium Joerns Acx Active Care Bed: The Joerns ACX bed is made to adjust and fit various patient care needs. It now has a wider width, higher capacity, and more advanced technology. This bed allows for high-level care to be provided in more locations.

What Are Some Frequently Asked Questions About Hi-Low Hospital Beds?

Before choosing a hi-low hospital bed, you might have some questions. Our team is here to help answer frequently asked or more specific questions catered to your needs or situation. Explore a few FAQs that others interested in hi-low beds have asked:

  • Who Can Benefit from Using a Hi-Low Hospital Bed? Individuals with mobility issues, those at risk of falls, patients requiring frequent position changes, and caregivers looking for ergonomic solutions can benefit from using our hi-low hospital beds.
  • How Do Hi-Low Hospital Beds Improve Patient Care? These beds enhance patient care by providing adjustable settings that cater to the specific needs of patients. They promote comfort, safety, and easier movement while helping caregivers in their tasks.
  • Are Hi-Low Hospital Beds Easy to Maintain? Hi-Low hospital beds are designed for easy maintenance, including features allowing for simple troubleshooting and upkeep, ensuring smooth operation.

Choosing the Right Hi-Low Hospital Bed

At Texas Medical Supply, we can help you choose the right hi-low hospital bed. We’ll ensure all your considerations are met for optimal comfort and functionality. With our 25 years of experience making hi-low adjustable beds, you can rest assured. Contact us to learn more about these beds and how they might benefit you.