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How Can Homecare Hospital Beds Help?

You may not understand why you would need a hospital bed for your home, but if there is an older adult in your household, particularly a person with mobility issues, it can be an important safety tool. Falls are very common among seniors, and even getting out of bed can be hazardous for some. For people who struggle to get in and out of bed, need prolonged bed rest, or are recovering from an illness, a homecare hospital bed can provide a wide variety of benefits. In fact, hospital beds at home can significantly improve the quality of life, not only for patients, but also for caregivers.

A hospital bed near a window with soft lighting in Houston, TX

Understanding When Patients Might Need a Home Hospital Bed

In which circumstances is a home hospital bed warranted? There are many reasons someone might choose to use a hospital bed at home, ranging from comfort to safety. A hospital bed is a comfortable place to rest while recovering from surgery or illness, because it can provide support during the healing process. Anyone in pain or discomfort will appreciate the adjustable features of hospital beds, and those who need to spend a lot of time in bed can avoid complications like bedsores by using one. There are models designed to accommodate people with special medical requirements, and the cost is often covered by insurance.

Benefits of a Hospital Bed

In any situation where a patient is recovering after hospitalization or dealing with mobility issues, hospital beds offer numerous advantages. They provide comfort that facilitates optimal healing, and offer flexibility needed for different types of therapeutic treatments. Because they are extremely adjustable, they can meet the diverse needs of patients, creating an environment conducive to recuperation. Benefits of a hospital bed include:

  • Adjustable Heights: Because hospital beds can be raised or lowered, they allow patients to more easily transfer in and out of bed. For patients with mobility issues, this can reduce the risk of falls and injuries. Lowering a bed can decrease fall risk, while raising a bed can help someone with mobility problems move more easily into a standing position.
  • Customizable Bed Rails: The bed rails on homecare beds can be customized to meet the patient’s needs. They come in full, half, and quarter length, and can provide support for transfers as well as preventing patients from falling out of bed.
  • Position Adjustments: In addition to being raised and lowered, hospital beds can be adjusted to make patients more comfortable and to provide a supportive position. The head, foot, and overall angle of the bed can be adjusted, to help patients avoid problems like pressure sores, breathing issues, and circulation problems.
  • Ease of Caregiving: Designed for use in hospitals, these beds were created to facilitate caregiving. Locking wheels, adjustable height, bed rails, and other features make it easier for caregivers to assist patients with necessary care.
  • Enhanced Safety Features: Equipped with the most modern safety features, like ergonomic design and hi-low adjustments, hospital beds provide optimal patient safety.
  • Durability and Support: Homecare hospital beds are designed to function just like a real hospital bed, so there is no need to worry that the bed might not meet the needs of the patient. The materials used in hospital beds are chosen to provide longevity and stability.
  • Specialized Mattresses: There are different types of mattresses, designed to meet different needs. There are mattresses that provide therapeutic benefits, for example, and bariatric mattresses for heavier individuals.

Health Benefits of Hospital Beds at Home

Enhanced comfort is a significant benefit, but it’s far from all you gain from using a hospital bed. There are proven ways in which hospital beds actually promote healing, leading to:

  • Improved Circulation: Because the bed can be adjusted, it promotes better circulation and blood flow. Some patients need to elevate their legs, others must stay in a certain position, and hospital beds facilitate this.
  • Reduced Pressure Sores: People who must stay in bed for prolonged periods of time often develop bedsores in conventional beds. Hospital beds with pressure-relieving mattresses can reduce the risk of this problem.
  • Better Respiratory Function: When the head position of the bed is adjusted, people with respiratory conditions can breathe more easily.
  • Easier Transfers: Transferring patients in and out of bed, to wheelchairs or walkers, is safer and more comfortable when the height of the bed is adjusted.
  • Enhanced Comfort: Because of its high level of customization, a hospital bed can provide comfort and improve sleep quality.

Choosing the Right Hospital Bed

There are many different hospital beds available, so how do you choose the right one? First, identify the physical requirements of the patient, including weight and mobility. If the person needs to frequently change positions, the best choice may be a full electric bed, which offers optimal versatility and convenience. Evaluate the safety of the bed, as well as the comfort of the mattress and the bed’s adjustability.

Hospital Bed Installation and Maintenance at Home

Installing a hospital bed will require strict adherence to the manufacturer’s instructions. It can be helpful to schedule professional installation services, to ensure it’s done correctly. Hospital bed maintenance includes regular cleaning, inspecting the bed for wear and tear, and regular check-ups by a professional. Effective upkeep of a hospital bed can increase its longevity and functionality.

Contact Texas Medical Supply to Find a Hospital Bed That Meets Your Needs

For high-quality medical supplies from industry-leading manufacturers, trust Texas Medical Supply. Our locally owned and operated medical supply company, located in Houston, TX, offers an extensive selection of hospital beds, lift chairs, mobility scooters, power wheelchairs, and more. Whether you are looking to buy or rent medical equipment, we have something to fit your budget and lifestyle, including used equipment at affordable prices. Our team of experts is here for you every step of the way, from helping you make the most of your equipment to delivering equipment directly to your home, to assembling your equipment for you. Shop now to find the medical equipment you need, or contact us through our website for more information.